Running for Your Life: Check Your Premises

Life liberty pursuit of happiness.

Individuals! Wherein does that foundational premise yield to the idea of a social contract overriding individual freedoms?

A president is nothing but a God-given freedom facilitator who, when able, broadens those freedoms.

A nation founded on suspicion of the intentions of a higher, superior authority holding sway, wielding power of “subjects.”

Americans never subjects!

Current presidency just the latest iteration of the erosion of a dirtier and dirtier word, sanitized by foreign (read: enemy) agents who would abase American values to see that word, “government,” as something more than a giant scam of lazy takers out to steal all the hard-won gains of noble individuals.

The war on government? Isn’t new. Rather bred in the “patriotic” bone.

Next: Running for Your Life: Physics? Really?