“Swan Lake” meets “The Shining,” M tells the miraculously kind woman in the heart-shaped glasses who agrees to move two minutes before the !Coming Attractions! at the Regal Cinema, Union Square, Daniel Aronofsky’s “Black Swan,” the feature presentation, in order to make it possible for M and I to have front row center stadium seats in the balcony for the Friday night show that I’ve modest expectations for and that exceeds those and beyond so much so that I find it even more remarkable than “The King’s Speech,” because like “The Shining,” “Black Swan” is a Henry James “madness of art” movie. (James: “We work in the dark — we do what we can — we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.”) M offers her assessment in the ladies room after thanking the woman again for moving so that all three of us could enjoy the show, M’s critique of which sparks the response, “Yes! That’s exactly right. Do you have a blog? You should definitely share that. ”