Running for Your Life: Pursuing Happiness

A journal is a good place to start. “Journaling,” by name.

Recently, I received a note from a special friend. She wrote to acknowledge a kindness, and then told me that by following my example of daily “journaling” she has been “sustained in many ways.”

“Making you an important role model for me,” she wrote in closing.

I had a moment of clarity with my journal the other day. Largely because of the sense of my life as a thinker and a writer.

What I’ve learned in thirty-five years of journal writing, some bits leading to essays and blog posts and short stories and plays and novels and memoir junks and prose-poems, is, ahem, humility.

I write, choose words in an honest attempt to connect within a world that I’m knowingly a minuscule part; hold fast to what I know, have learned, expect nothing.

You are born alone, and you die alone.

We have love, lost love, love reborn. Family, bloodlines are only the most consistently reliable source of love.

Why, when the well is dry or poisoned or worse, we, as people, suffer.

What is the cost of a broken heart? Neglect that leads to disease and injury, costly care, early death.

Pursue happiness, and never stop. Only through love. There is nothing else.

Next: Running for Your Life: DIY Training