What do you do for fun? Catch ’em all with Pokemon Go (said to be OK for
folks, in part, because it gets them out of the house and at least walking
around)? Play games on your phone? Zone out before a blasting A/C,
watching bad TV?
A casual reader of this blog knows that I’ve been running every other day
for going on forty years. I have to admit there are days when, as I’m suiting
up to run (in the old days, I was a diehard road warrior, both in heat waves or
blizzards; now I opt for the gym treadmill in extreme weather) that I don’t
think it’s going to be fun. And some days it just flat out isn’t. When that
happens, I put in the time and while I can’t say that I go out the door smiling
but my body – from my toes to the top of my head – is voting yes. That was good
for now. We’ll have fun the next time.
And you know what, I do. I’m not looking to “Beat Yesterday,” as the
rock-solid training types promote. Rather, my simple goal is to smile as I run,
to hear the cardinals cheep-cheep in a Prospect Park glen, to see a rainbow
after a summer storm, to feel the first sting of a cold shower after an hour of
summer running.
Out on a run. A promise of forever, in body, mind and spirit.
Next: Running for Your Life: The Summer