OK, like it or not, the run-up to the great US Vote is in full swing.
Everyone is staking out a position.
Here's one as a career journalist, a survivor in the media profession. Back when "media" hadn't been drained of its meaning. Before the juggernaut of social "media" revolutionized the way people consume news:
I would like to be a part of an interest group that would support a candidate who would pledge to only discuss matters relating to social media by agreeing to acknowledge the bastardization of the term "media" to describe what constitutes what most people read, share and endlessly talk about.
I would support the first presidential candidate -- from any party, or independent -- who would, when talking about what people call "social media," rephrase it to say "social propaganda."
That train may have left the station. But with all the non-news about to find its way into people's brains and run throughout their conversation over the next many months (10 months till the Iowa Caucus!), I see it as the kind of noble, moral step that the right candidate would get behind.
Next: Running for Your Life: Pittsburgh 2019