I might not be right about this, but New Year's resolutions seem passe.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that "news" has become so soft that every day is "Resolution" Day.
As in, "list" journalism never tires in turning you on to the next cool thing, the best way to look, the cruelest way to put down your rivals.
Meaning every day is Resolution Day -- we are driven by media channels to make the right choice, have the right opinions, make the right friends.
As a lifelong journalist -- I have worked in newspapers for parts of six decades now, from the 70s to the 20s -- I remember when it seemed that most people weren't always tracking the fads, that folks saw the wisdom in developing opinions based on experience and knowledge, whether that came through friends, a healthy appetite for real news, or close family ties.
So, yeah, make a resolution: to lose weight, to exercise more, read more seriously. It isn't a bad thing; in fact a New Year's Resolution can truly be a game-changer. But it is doing so as part of a passe tradition.
Next: Running for Your Life: Read, Read, Read