Running for Your Life: Longing for “Democracy”

Everything seems consumed by the nondemocratic imperative of national security.

Case in point: The failure of the “free” press to be allowed to get to the bottom of how “official” was the Saudi sanction of the “events” of 9/11.

It’s why the impeachment theater will never crack the “national security” hold on evidence that would prove the crimes and misdemeanors case against the president.

Nixon just resigned, if Trump doesn’t do so (there’s a rich one!), they will never get to the heart of the darkness. Like the 9/11 scenario, the info is just too incendiary; there are no models for how this would end so better keep a lid on the inculpatory evidence.  

To think the true source of this blackness will ever by exposed is a child’s dream. If so, like Peter Pan, I never going to grow up.

Next: Running for Your Life: The Power Broker Vol. II