Famously, Michelle Obama said of the Democrats enemies:
“When they go low, we go high.”
It’s hard to stress just how misguided that marching
order has been given the modern media world.
Will the Times EVER go low. Or CNN or MSNBC?
Will they ever consider the lesson of LaCorte News, the
brainchild of former Fox News dude Ken LaCorte.
An article in the New York Timers last weekend (Nov. 24)
characterizes the news site as one that has proven to be successful in
delivering extremist “news” to both the left and the right for a profit after
failing to find any business traction with more legitimate news sites.
Do progressives ever go low? I wonder. Progressive find
succor in the philosophes: Cicero, Aristotle – those who labored on theories
regarding the betterment of man.
Consider this from Aristotle:
“He who exceeds in confidence when it comes to frightening
things is reckless, and the reckless person is held to be both a boaster and a
pretender to courage.”
Our current brand of leadership ‘conservatives” jones for
philosophes of entirely different stripes. Say, Thomas Hobbes, for example: Hey, human nature makes for
a life that nasty, brutish and short. So in the time you have on earth, you
wanna get yours, Jack.
Also Machiavelli, who is given to suggest – although he didn’t
actually write these words – the end justifies the means. (He actually said, “One
judges by the results …”)
Guess what, Michelle, the go-lows have the edge. I can’t
begin to think that most thoughtful folks will be satisfied with another moral
victory in a presidential election, this time in November 2020.
Next: Running for Your Life: Anonymous Heard From
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