Running for Your Life: TLDNR (On Trying to Keep Up With the Kids These Days)

Climate change is one thing: Arctic fires, disturbingly high nitrous-oxide emissions from permafrost (12 times higher than expected), stable crops will become less nutritious …

When it comes to cultural change, here’s a breath-stopper.

TLDNR is what kids today say when faced with acquiring knowledge:

“Too Long Did Not Read.”

That said, one does find encouraging trends of cultural change in the other direction.

Yesterday (Sept. 16), while moving along the subway platform in Brooklyn, I noticed a man in a hoodie and dark glasses, standing next to a wooden bench. As a daily commuter in Gotham subways over three decades, I tend reasonable precautions, so instead of ignoring strangers’ conversations, I listened closely to what this man was whispering to his suit-and-tie companion:

“Here, you start with turmeric and ginger … “

Next: Running for Your Life: On Beauty