Running for Your Life: Joan Mitchell, Lady Painter

On July 12, impressions left by Joan Mitchell show, entitled, “I Carry My Landscapes Around With Me.”

What is yellow? Orange frenzy
To winter sun yellow, a child’s
Innocence, passing through to
Torment, clutter, what’s lost
There is no easy way to hold
On, but in the painting you can
Cheat. Dive in and hold.

Blue, black, violet, again
Vortex of black to a white
Center, dare to enter if you
Will. There is danger to be found
In the least unexpected places.

Drip. Drip. Drip, the four-panel
“Dark” one, mostly light blue, violet
Some dashes of the dark blue,
The Midnight Lake

The light one: Bananaman!!

Next: Running for Your Life: Nutrition Notes