Running for Your Life: Got a Hero?

Have a hero? Subscribe to a tribe.

Act on a heroic idea in humility and quietude? Subscribe to better angels, the best about humanity.

America is founded on a principle, e pluribus unum, or “out of man, one.”

We have long fallen short of this idea.

In fact, thanks to the disrupters who monetize what used to be ours, or at least we could be persuaded to think that we were free to choose what we do, what we think, what we say, who we are influenced by, etc., without being mediated to the nth degree by the likes of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google (FANG!), we are reduced to being market units, carved up in smaller and smaller slices in the incredibly expanding universe that is the media and entertainment business.

(Not culture, BTW, entertainment; that is what stands for culture in the global marketplace. America First! Canada Last! Check out the new NAFTA, USMCA – only reason Mexico gets one letter and Canada two is to differentiate from the US Marine Corp. [USMC]. You can bet the Trump folks love this front-loading situation: Branding is 80% of the message, folks.)

My emerging calling? Disrupt the disrupters. We’ll be a small but lively band of pious folk who value humility and quietude over messianic grandstanding. But it’s where I see myself, come what may.

Next: Hey, Nostalgia, Been Nice Knowing You