Running for Your Life: Ant Heel

On a run in June 2016 in Italy, I had a thought. Here’s what I wrote in my journal:

We newspaper editors are the worker ants of journalism.

No matter what, we gotta do it. Whatever is required.

Backwards, frontwards with diligence and skill, working without rest, and, yes, we constantly attempt more, take on tasks beyond expectations, big, bigger, biggest, with experience that should tell us that it will not be noticed by the queen when the task is finished.

Alas, the human doesn’t set aside hope of being noticed. If only we could learn from the example of the worker ant, that there is dignity in the simple task itself.  Work to be done. That is enough.

Next level: That we newspaper editors in our worker ant selves serve the queen and her court but we fail to notice that the queen is not as she was before.

She is corrupt and perhaps mad.

What was once a benevolent system is now one that serves no such purpose.

We are building a Frankenstein monster but we, the worker ants, cannot stop in our task.

Think deadlines. Worker ants work as if a deadline is always in place. Do it right and hurry. If it doesn’t work that way, try another. Whatever you do, don’t stop.

Otherwise, you’ll be noticed. And for worker ants that can never end well.

Next: Running for Your Life: Cool, It’s October