Running for Your Life: ‘Gateway’ Drug

Every once in a while a book comes along and you just gotta crow.

That’s the case with this one: “Gateway to the Moon” by Mary Morris, an amazingly gifted writer who happens to also be my wife. Disclosure noted, please read on.

First the blog post, and then the book. (Please note the publication date: April 2018.)

If only America could see its way to favoring books instead of deadly opioids as mood-altering drugs.

Mary has done it before, of course. Written books that readers love, the most recent being “The Jazz Palace” (winner in 2016 of the august Anisfield-Wolf award for diversity [aka, the black Pulitzer]).

“Gateway,” may I be so bold, rides even higher on the mood-altering scale. “Gateway” never flinches in its focus of a coming to America, our nation’s very foundation, that imagines Columbus’ journey to the New World in a way that seriously will blow your mind.

So, mark the date in your calendar: April 2018. The “Gateway” drug arrives. And, please, watch this space for more news in the weeks and months ahead on this astounding literary event.

Next: Running for Your Life: Poem in Porto 


Anonymous said...

Sounds intriguing -- I read Columbus' journal some years back and am always up for learning more.

larry o'connor said...

Thanks ! The surprise in the story, citing something as well known as Columbus' journeys, is remarkable, by my lights.