What Halloween would be complete without a little scare –
well, actually, a big scare.
That would be trolls. The internet variety.
A big pre-election thanks goes to writer Jared Keller and the
Village Voice for his cautionary tale on trolls. http://bit.ly/2eNhE9r.
When it comes to just what makes news these days (Yes, I’m a
member of an endangered species: the newspaper worker), look no further than
the trolls.
If only – like the kiddie trolls who come to trick or treat
at your door tonight – they will vanish with the dawn. But as Keller warns us,
unless there is a hard reckoning of common sense, the trolls of the internet
will continue to bear down on civil society like a late season hurricane.
Next: Running for Your Life: Sand County Almanac
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