Running for Your Life: Half Size It

It’s been awhile since I set and accomplished a running goal. Not since summer 2014, when K and I traveled for races in Nova Scotia. She ran the half-marathon and I started my eighth marathon (finished six of them, the last five in a row). Foot and knee injuries kept me out of the running for months last year, and stirred doubts about just how much more long-distance running I could do.

Thankfully, 2016 has been a different story. And while I’ve yet to feel comfortable about getting back to marathon training, the past few weeks have been promising, in terms of returning to one-hour-plus training sessions.

All of which is to say that I am planning to train for a Brooklyn-based half-marathon in October, four days shy of my 61st birthday. That would be the riverside Bay Ridge Half, out under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

So I’ll be half sizing it, for now. We’ll just see, once this race is done, whether I’ll be going back to supersizing my training regimen. Time will tell, but after more than two years am thrilled to be able to set a running goal that I feel I can reasonably achieve.

Next: Running for Your Life: Shoe Talk