Today’s “Greats” honors Dwight D. Eisenhower. Why? For the greatest
political speech in post-TV American history.
His topic? On what now we take as a vested interest that will never be
torn asunder: the military-industrial complex.
(And this speech in 1961 occurred long before the military- and defense
contract-serving NSA got its act down on tracking every shred of the people’s social
and political lives.)
Consider these ideas and just try to imagine them being uttered by any one of our
current leaders, in or out of office:
- We must guard against the acquisition
of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
- It is the task of statesmanship to
mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old,
within the principles of our democratic system -- ever aiming toward the
supreme goals of our free society.
- We pray that peoples of all faiths,
all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that
those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all
who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those
who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that
all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that
the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear
from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come
to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual
respect and love.
If only Eisenhower were with us. Alas, he is not. But these ideas are
sound and the MIC much more threatening to our “democracy” than it was in this
great American’s day.
Talk about making America great again! Let’s do something about the
unstinting control exercised in our lives by the MIC of 2016.
Next: Running for Your Life:
Deep State S--t