Running for Your Life: Summer Screen Screams

Here’s a short film idea:
  • ·      Cast a small comedian as a Harp Marx lookalike who is dressed in exaggerated runner’s wear.
He is attempting to run along a designated jogging path in an urban park that is chock full of people staring blithely, obliviously, into their smartphones/gadgets and he continually “blats” his rubber-bulb horn to clear a path in their startled midst so that he can run a relatively straight line through them.
  • ·        Consider the problem of doing a remake of “Candid Camera.”
Alas, it wouldn’t fly because such footage of behavior that embarrasses or calls out social and personal gaffes is no longer of interest, cannot be seen to be entertainment, not in a culture in which the majority of people have moved beyond being shamed for conducting themselves in a way that would shock their mothers.

Next: Running for Your Life: Routine 66