Running for Your Life: Enter “The Gateway” Part Two

It’s summer – in Canada, the start (May 21) of the much-awaited season, Victoria Day (yes, Canada, still honours the crown, with some rising at dawn to watch royal weddings) – and past time to make your list for beach and lakeside reading.

Top of the list, I most humbly suggest, “Gateway to the Moon,” the latest novel by Mary Morris.

Set aside the disclaimer (I am married to the author).  This novel is killing it in reviews, lists, word of mouth. It’s the World Wide Web, they tell me, so here’s a trailer for you:

I’ve written about the book before in this space, so I'm not going to go on about character, plot, setting.

Rather, let me say that if there is one thing I think we can all use is a great read – that rejects the impulse to add your cry to the partisan sinkhole that now defines so much of American publishing.

Now’s the time to read important books. Not the latest screed, ripped-from-the-headlines political tract. But an honest to God work of art that will thrill you, make you cry and keep you amazed from the time you pick it up to the time you regretfully put it down.

That’s “Gateway to the Moon.” Buy the book and enter summer bliss reading space.

Next: Running for Your Life: Vegas, Baby !