Running for Your Life: New York Therapy Insight

Overheard during Sunday, June 30, 2019, run in Prospect Park, near the twin-skating surfaces:

Mother/Distressed Daughter (3-ish years old)

Mother (staring hard at Distressed Daughter, while pulling her along by the hand): You are so lucky that it was nice family who found you! Imagine if it were a mean man …

Distressed Daughter: Wah!

Mother: You should feel bad. I want you to feel bad.

DD: Wah!

Mother: Cry! That’s it, cry! It’s the one thing you’ve got right today.

DD: Wah!

Mother: Scared? You should be scared!

(One would expect, given Mother’s mood, she was a long way from saying all she was going to say about Distressed Daughter’s day, but I was running at the time and only caught this portion of the dialogue [monologue?].)

Next: Running for Your Life: Rigidity Lesson