Running for Your Life: Live Tree or Die

It’s spring! Time to enjoy your trees, and the trees close to you!

Got a spare $20, or so? Scoot on down to your closest independent bookstore and buy (or order) “The Hidden Lives of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben, a German-born forester.

If you think the twist on the famous patriotic line above is an accident, think again. With the prospect of Hillary Clinton running against Donald Trump in the presidential election, independents and deep-thinking political folks in the US are going to need a new hobby during the next several months, now that country and patriotism have been co-opted by the likes of these two.

So, how about trees, instead? Reading Wohlleben and you will never see a tree the same way. Or view its roots, the role of fungus (of all things), even the positive side of death (when it comes to a glorious communitarianism – not Communism!) that we impoverished human beings can learn more than a thing or two about.

Next: Running for Your Life: Half Size It